These blogs are to help Wake Tech ESL teachers communicate with each other and with their students. The ultimate goal is to create a new venue for our students, at all levels of English, to further their learning of English and to provide opportunities to be more involved in community events.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Thanksgiving Holiday

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

A quick reminder to everyone -- there will be no ESL classes next Thursday, 11/26, for the Thanksgiving holiday. Most sites are also closed Wednesday and Friday, and some have the whole week off. Please check your site's blog (see the links on the right side of this page) to find the exact days.

On Thanksgiving we normally get together with our family (and sometimes with close friends ) and have a big meal together. We try to think about all the things we are grateful (thankful) for in our lives - family, friends, health - and education!. A traditional Thanksgiving meal often includes turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, corn and pumpkin pie for dessert!

Do you have a holiday or celbration like this in your country? Have you ever had a traditional Thanksgiving meal in the U.S.?

Here is a short reading about Thanksgiving, with lots of pictures and vocabulary

This site tells about the history of Thanksgiving -- and many other holidays.

This is an interesting article on "myths" about the first Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Make plans now to attend ...........A great way to work on your English ~ READING!

Wake County Public Libraries’ ANNUAL BOOKSALE—300,000 books!!!
Saturday, November 14, 10 am - 8 pm
Sunday, November 15, 10 am - 6 pm
Wednesday, November 18, 10 am - 8 pm
Thursday, November 19, 10 am - 8 pm
Friday, November 20, 10 am - 8 pm


Saturday, November 21, 10 am - 8 pm HALF PRICE DAY: HARDBOUND BOOKS $2.00; $.50 FOR PAPERBACK BOOKS
Sunday, November 22, 10am - 6 pm $5.00 PER BOX; $2.00 PER BAG BAGS & BOXES PROVIDED BY LIBRARY; CUSTOMER PACKS

New Location: 1514 Garner Station Blvd. (North portion of the South Station Shopping Center) Raleigh, NC 27603

See website for more details--- (click) Libraries (click) events (click) booksale

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween and All Saints' Day

We've just finished the season of spooks and spirits, and today, November 1st, is a day to honor saints as well as departed loved ones in many Catholic countries. (All Saints' Day)

We'd love to hear about any similar traditions you have, from the "Day of the Dead" celebrations, to All Saints Day, to practices honoring ancestors in your country.

In the spirit of Halloween, several classes have also been discussing common superstitions in their countries. Are black cats bad luck in your country? How about the number 13? Is breaking a mirror an ill omen in your country?

Please post a comment and help us learn more about your culture. **Be sure to write the NAME OF YOUR COUNTRY in your post so we know where the tradition comes from. Thanks!

Teacher Resources ~ Check it out!!!

We had a great time taking in all that Michele Cona (from REEP) shared at the WTCC training we did in conjuction with the Carolina TESOL Fall Conference. I know some of you could not attend, but this training was so good, it will be worth your time to check out the presentation and resources she (M. Cona) has put on a site for us to use as a resource. I have the link listed below. If you came Thursday but could not come on Friday, her workshop focusing on using the internet with low level ESL student, was so practical and useful, these resources are also on the link below. Please share this with your co-workers so they can check out the ideas and links she shares on the site below.
Take time to lookover the REEP site for students and teachers, . We have a vast amount of resources at our fingertips....
PS....As an instuctor, could you post a comment as to what would be a helpful way to implement the ideas you heard about, at the Technology Training with Michele Cona.
Michele's workshop website: