Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
A quick reminder to everyone -- there will be no ESL classes next Thursday, 11/26, for the Thanksgiving holiday. Most sites are also closed Wednesday and Friday, and some have the whole week off. Please check your site's blog (see the links on the right side of this page) to find the exact days.
On Thanksgiving we normally get together with our family (and sometimes with close friends ) and have a big meal together. We try to think about all the things we are grateful (thankful) for in our lives - family, friends, health - and education!. A traditional Thanksgiving meal often includes turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, corn and pumpkin pie for dessert!
Do you have a holiday or celbration like this in your country? Have you ever had a traditional Thanksgiving meal in the U.S.?
Here is a short reading about Thanksgiving, with lots of pictures and vocabulary
This site tells about the history of Thanksgiving -- and many other holidays.
This is an interesting article on "myths" about the first Thanksgiving
Happy Turkey Day!
Our website has moved!
15 years ago
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